
RUI 3.0 Easy Rooting Guide - On GT NEO 2

This thread going to guide you on how you can root Realme GT NEO 2 Device with RUI 3.0 installed. This boot image is fresh, and it's patched for root access. Caution: Before flashing, you need to have your bootloader unlocked, for bootloader unlocking, go to this link and follow the procedure to get approval and unlock your device bootloader. Link: ​ After you get approval, you are ready to root your device! For this tutorial, I gonna use a windows device. WARNING! I am not responsible for anything. proceed at your own risk. Rooting or Unlocking the Bootloader voids the device warranty, keep it in your mind. STEP - ONE Only follow this step, if you get approval for the bootloader, and you didn't unlock this device or your flashing environment needs to be configured. You need to visit the following link to set up your environment for flashing a custom boot image. Link: https://njp...

RealMe GT NEO 2 Bootloader unlock method on windows 11 - Updated

  Image credit - Wanna unlock the bootloader of Realme GT NEO 2? Okay, you are in right place. In this tutorial, I gonna show you how to unlock the bootloader of the Realme GT NEO 2 device. Requirements: A Realme GT NEO 2 device with an A0.5/C02 or greater update. DeepTesting app installed, and permission granted. Google Android Platform tools downloaded. Google Android USB driver downloaded. A windows machine with driver signature enforcement disabled. Okay, let's start. First, you need to install the DeepTesting app from here: and get approval. so your first step should be done. Then, you need to open CMD from the search bar and then run this command:  bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on Then, download Android SDK Platform Tools from here: Then, do...

Swift Language Basics Tutorial - Simple Values(let, var) and Print output on screen

  Model - Nurujjaman Pollob Welcome to Swift's basic training tutorial. If you are a new who want to learn Swift to develop Apple platform-based software, then it's for you. I will simply share the tutorial only. I am not going to share the story about what you gonna do with it, what Swift actually does, and what to build with it. Anyway, If you need to know in detail about what to do with Swift Language, please follow this link to study on your own: Also, this link also helps: Okay, here is some information about the Swift programming language: Swift is a general-purpose programming language that combines the best in modern language thinking with wisdom from the wider Apple engineering culture and the diverse contributions from its open-source community. The compiler is optimized for performance an...

Java Theory - Conditional statement

The   conditional statement   is a construction that allows a program to perform different computations depending on the value of a Boolean expression. If it is   true , the program performs one computation; otherwise, if it is   false , the program performs another computation. Here are some examples of Boolean expressions:   a > b ,   i - j == 1 , and so on. The conditional statement has different forms. We will use all of them. The single if-case The simplest form of the conditional statement consists of the keyword  if , a Boolean expression, and a body enclosed in curly braces. if  (expression) {      // body: do something } If the expression is  true , the statements inside the code block are executed; otherwise, the program skips them. See the following example. int  age = ...;  // it has a value if  (age...

Java Theory - Understand Java Character

  The   char   type is used to represent letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and other symbols. Each character is just a symbol enclosed in single quotes. char  lowerCaseLetter =  'a' ; char  upperCaseLetter =  'Q' ; char  number =  '1' ; char  space =  ' ' ; char  dollar =  '$' ; This type can represent all characters in all languages as well as some special and computer symbols. It corresponds to the  Unicode  (UTF-16) format. Unicode is a computer encoding methodology that assigns a unique number for every character. It doesn't matter what language, or computer platform it's on. This is important in a global, networked world, and for computer systems that must accommodate multiple languages and special characters. Unicode truly unifies all of these into a single standard.

Java Theory - Increment and decrement

  In this topic, we will discuss one of the most famous operations in programming:  increment . It is used in many programming languages including Java to increase a variable by one. Fun fact: this operation is used in the name of C++, and signifies the evolutionary nature of the changes from C. 1. Using ++ and -- in Java Java has two opposite operations called increment ( ++ ) and decrement ( -- ) to increase/decrease the value of a variable by one. int  n =  10 ; n++;  // 11 n--;  // 10 The code above is actually the same as below. int  n =  10 ; n +=  1 ;  // 11 n -=  1 ;  // 10 2. Prefix and postfix forms Both  increment  and  decrement  operators have two forms which are very important when using the result in the current statement: prefix  ( ++n  or  --n ) increases/decreases the value of a variable before it is used; post...