How to use Palette API to extract colors from Image or Vector drawable Image Fully detailed tutorial
The usages example of Palette API - Android Studio Hello Guys, Today I going to share an amazing tutorial on Palette API, The API is very easy to implement and has many useful features, but today I going to share the only the process of how we can use Palette to get Color from regular Image, Or from vector drawbles. The old constructor instances: Bitmap bmp; //(Keep In mind that, You need decode the bitmap or vector first to get its color from palette, and this is just an example) Palette palette = Palette.generate(bmp); is deprecated from android API 29, So app target SDK 29 or Minimum SDK 29 we need an alternative version of this constructor. Don't worry, I am here to help! The Palette.generate(Bitmap) deprecated,The alternative code is here! Now time to write the right code for palette.generate(Bitmap) & for color extraction The Code: //Starts the code from here! //decode the bitmap so that palette can use this bitmap...