
Java Theory - Conditional statement

The   conditional statement   is a construction that allows a program to perform different computations depending on the value of a Boolean expression. If it is   true , the program performs one computation; otherwise, if it is   false , the program performs another computation. Here are some examples of Boolean expressions:   a > b ,   i - j == 1 , and so on. The conditional statement has different forms. We will use all of them. The single if-case The simplest form of the conditional statement consists of the keyword  if , a Boolean expression, and a body enclosed in curly braces. if  (expression) {      // body: do something } If the expression is  true , the statements inside the code block are executed; otherwise, the program skips them. See the following example. int  age = ...;  // it has a value if  (age...

Java Theory - Understand Java Character

  The   char   type is used to represent letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and other symbols. Each character is just a symbol enclosed in single quotes. char  lowerCaseLetter =  'a' ; char  upperCaseLetter =  'Q' ; char  number =  '1' ; char  space =  ' ' ; char  dollar =  '$' ; This type can represent all characters in all languages as well as some special and computer symbols. It corresponds to the  Unicode  (UTF-16) format. Unicode is a computer encoding methodology that assigns a unique number for every character. It doesn't matter what language, or computer platform it's on. This is important in a global, networked world, and for computer systems that must accommodate multiple languages and special characters. Unicode truly unifies all of these into a single standard.

Java Theory - Increment and decrement

  In this topic, we will discuss one of the most famous operations in programming:  increment . It is used in many programming languages including Java to increase a variable by one. Fun fact: this operation is used in the name of C++, and signifies the evolutionary nature of the changes from C. 1. Using ++ and -- in Java Java has two opposite operations called increment ( ++ ) and decrement ( -- ) to increase/decrease the value of a variable by one. int  n =  10 ; n++;  // 11 n--;  // 10 The code above is actually the same as below. int  n =  10 ; n +=  1 ;  // 11 n -=  1 ;  // 10 2. Prefix and postfix forms Both  increment  and  decrement  operators have two forms which are very important when using the result in the current statement: prefix  ( ++n  or  --n ) increases/decreases the value of a variable before it is used; post...

MIUI 12.6 Android 11 port for Poco M3 download - Well tested ROM

  Hey Are you wanna try Android 11 with MIUI with the latest security patch? So, it is for you. This is a ported Xiaomi.EU ROM from Redmi 9T with latest patches from Xiaomi.EU Disclaimer​ Do everything at your own risk. I am not responsible for your dead or bricked device! Bugs​ SystemUI sometimes restarts due to new notifications is come. (Sometimes) Fingerprint works but if you touch the fingerprint sensor in a sleep state, the device is not wake up but fingerprint works when the device is awake. Stock camera app crashes while saving a photo from the back sensor, but if you choose to pro mode no crash, and also if you are shot by the front camera no crashes. ​ Optimization​ DT2W works Better gaming performance More RAM available. Memory extension feature All MIUI 12.6 Feature I have well tested this port and have found these above bugs. I recommend never flash any custom kernel as this may cause instability. How to f...

Machine Learning with AWS - Computer Vision and Its Applications

  Computer Vision and Its Applications This section introduces you to common concepts in computer vision (CV) and explains how you can use AWS DeepLens to start learning with computer vision projects. By the end of this section, you will be able to explain how to create, train, deploy, and evaluate a trash-sorting project that uses AWS DeepLens. Introduction to Computer Vision Summary Computer vision got its start in the 1960s in academia. Since its inception, it has been an interdisciplinary field. Machine learning practitioners use computers to understand and automate tasks associated with the visual word. Modern-day applications of computer vision use neural networks. These networks can quickly be trained on millions of images and produce highly accurate predictions. Since 2010, there has been exponential growth in the field of computer vision. You can start with simple tasks like image classification and objection detection and then scale all the way up to the nearly real-time ...