Getting Started With Android Framework and Native Code Support - From zero knowledge to be a Developer Part One
A beginner-friendly guide to getting started with Android NDK Getting a good tutorial is easy nowadays. but finding a proper, beginner-friendly tutorial and point-to-point explaining tutorial is not easy to find. From my side, I do not offer you the best tutorial to follow. It may contain an error, inaccurate information but I can assure you that, I will try my best to help you get started with Android development with Native Development Kit by explaining how it works, how to set up your favorite IDE, How to write better codes, how to write Unit Test and more. To get started with Android Development, you must have solid programming knowledge in Java or Kotlin. In this module, you will learn Android development with Native Code Support (C/C++) We are proceeding with Android NDK , So we need to have an understanding of Java with C/C++ Do not worry! I will help you get started with Java and C/C++. How to Get Started? You need to have Android Studio Installed. but fo...